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Reasons- Why Video Training Is A Great Way To Train Your Team

video training software

Reasons- Why Video Training Is A Great Way To Train Your Team

Training is essential in helping employees get acclimatized to a new company, procedure, or tool. But sometimes, it can be challenging and time-consuming to conduct a training session as you grow your business, with new people constantly coming in and when you introduce new methods or systems every now and then.

This is where training videos in the workplace come to the rescue. With video training, you can easily introduce new procedures, onboard new hires, and improve communication between managers and employees.

With all these in mind, businesses and companies should get into video-based learning for their employees now more than ever. If you’re not convinced yet, here are a few benefits video training can provide your company:

Video training is much more engaging

When it comes to delivering information, videos can work better than simple ordinary slides. This is, in fact, supported by a study from the University of Minnesota that says human brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Videos don’t get boring with time and are much more engaging than written instructions because they’re interactive, showing moving elements and illustrations alongside narration.

In addition to being more visually appealing, video-based learning materials can engage both visual and auditory learners. For example, a video demonstrating how to use a piece of equipment may play audio instructions as well as show the equipment in action. This allows you to watch or listen while following along with the presentation.

Video training is easier to understand and follow

Combined with the wealth of case studies confirming video’s persuasive power on websites, it’s safe to say that video is the most compelling type of media available. It can also help you retain information better — and for longer periods — than other forms of media.

In a study performed by Allan Paivio at the University of Western Ontario, people were shown to remember about 10% of what they read, 20% of what they heard, and an astounding 68% of what they saw on a video.

Furthermore, videos can use a combination of moving images, narration, and written text to transfer knowledge. Other video techniques include graphics, slow motion, different angles, learning through demonstration, and other methods that help break down complex ideas and information and present them in a way that is manageable for all types of learners.

Video training is more accessible and convenient

Employees can access the videos from any device, so they can learn on their computer, tablet, or smartphone. Video is also available at any time, which is helpful for your employees who may be working odd hours, are far away from your location, or are in another country. Learners can also pause or rewind the video whenever they need to.

Employers also benefit from video training because it allows them to train their teams whenever they need to without waiting for an in-person training session or meeting room space. You won’t have any scheduling conflicts either since you don’t have to worry about finding an available trainer at a particular time, and you can provide ongoing instruction throughout the year!

video training software

Video training is less expensive and saves time

Research suggests that 85% of every dollar spent on instructor-led training is spent on conveying the information. Conversely, you can save time and money with video training because it is less hands-on. Corporate video courses can also be reused over and over because they are recorded once, then made available to the public. This eliminates location, travel, instructors, class material, and overhead costs.

t’s not just a little annoying to keep making training programs, but it also takes a lot of time. It takes time to plan, create, and deliver training content on top of your other responsibilities.

But with interactive video learning, you don’t have to do all that work anymore. You can provide your new and existing hires with the training they need by leveraging employee training videos. Using interactive video learning means your employees can always access the resources they need when they need them — without you having to create anything new, unless there’s an update to your process.

Video training can also be used for multiple purposes, not just learning new skills but also refreshing employees’ knowledge of current ones and reinforcing rules and regulations, making video a cost-effective solution for all business challenges.

Video training takes the burden off your team

The traditional way of training employees is to have them attend long-winded presentations that take up an entire day. But what happens to the work they are supposed to be doing? One of the best training video benefits is they allow employees to watch the training at their convenience, meaning no work time is wasted.

The best part is that you can watch these videos repeatedly whenever you need to. This will allow your employees to learn the material faster and more thoroughly. It also gives them a place to go for answers when they have questions about how to do a certain task. You can even make notes on each video, so no questions are left unanswered.

There are many benefits to incorporating video training  Software in the workplace.


Traditional training methods are hard to measure — sometimes, even after a good training session, you might not know whether your team understood what you taught them.

On the other hand, videos are a great way to pass information, improve your team’s learning and development, and keep them on the same page. Video training can also be done remotely, so no matter where your employees are located, they can get up to speed quickly on new processes or procedures.

Lastly, video training is more fascinating than reading through text and is much more practical than attending in-person workshops. If you’re looking into providing some form of training for your employees, then instructional videos may be just what they need!