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Multiple Me: Best Video Training Software To Take Your Skills To The Next Level


Multiple Me: Best Video Training Software To Take Your Skills To The Next Level

Have you been wondering which video software is the best for your  training ? Stop searching because the answer is  Multiply Me  video production Services in Australia! You might be wondering what makes this company so special. Well, they offer services in all areas of video production. For instance, they can do everything from editing your footage and putting together a script to filming and motion graphics. This means that you don’t have to go to multiple people in order to get your project done.

Video training has been around for a while now. The first video training software was introduced back in 1968 and it used to be very expensive and difficult to implement. Nowadays with technology becoming more advanced this type of software has become easier and more accessible for businesses to use. Video training is one of the most popular features among companies worldwide because it allows them to have better communication with their employees as well as save money on face-to-face training costs.

Video Training will be one of the increasingly popular features in Australia for companies to implement for their employees in 2023

Video training is just as effective and beneficial to your employees as it is to your business. It’s a great way to train employees on the job, allowing them to learn in a way that matches their individual learning styles.

That’s why we’re excited about The Multiply ME System, which makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to implement video training into their workplace. With this platform and service offered at Multiply ME, customers can take advantage of:

  • An easy-to-use interface with powerful features like analytics and compliance reporting;’
  • The option for personalized branding so that your company’s unique look and feel are reflected throughout every aspect of your video training program;
  • The option for ongoing support from our team as needed throughout implementation, launch and beyond!

Video training benefits include:

  • Increased engagement :-Video training is interactive, which means it’s easier to retain information and solve problems in the workplace. It also makes it easier for employees to collaborate with one another.
  • Increased learning :- Video training is a great way for learners to get the closest experience and build skills in the real world, which can help them be more effective at work and feel more confident doing their job.
  • Self-paced learning methodologies are becoming increasingly popular because they create an adaptive learning culture where employees have control over their own development path within an organization

Increased Engagement

Video training is the perfect solution for keeping your employees engaged in the material being taught. In a world where people have so many distractions, it’s difficult to hold their attention with documents. Video training helps you communicate complex ideas in a way that makes it easy for them to understand and do their job well.

Video training also allows you to keep your employees up-to-date on industry tools and trends without having them spend hours poring over documents or listening to long audio recordings. You can use video tutorials as a way of staying ahead of competition by giving them access to information that will help them perform better at work and stay ahead of the curve on new technologies or products that could be useful for your business.

Increased Learning

Video training software is an excellent way for employees to learn at their own pace. With The Multiply ME system, employees are able to watch a video anytime they want and as many times as they need. This allows them the opportunity to review what they have learned when they feel ready; not just at the end of class or module.

Employees can identify any questions that do not get answered in the information and re-watch portions of the video over again until they understand it more fully, which improves retention and comprehension of all topics covered throughout each course.

In addition to this benefit, employees also have the ability to ask questions during the videos, the company will be notified and can respond and handle the question to ensure the employee is well informed.

Easier to Produce

It’s easy to produce, with tested strategies so you don’t need to figure it all out.

This lowers the costs and fast tracks your success. The Multiply ME System makes it easier to create and share videos to individuals or groups of people across a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.

It can be used for a variety of purposes such as Video Recruiting & Onboarding – Tool Box Talks – Safety Reminders – Company Culture – Policies & Procedures & much more. It can be used by a variety of people within companies due to its user-friendly nature and ease of use which means anyone can make their own videos quickly!


With The New Multiply ME video training software, you can be on your way to creating your own videos without having to worry about any of the technical aspects. It’s easy to use, intuitive and powerful at the same time! We’re excited about what this means for everyone who wants to get started with video but has been intimidated by complicated tools or lack of knowledge about how things work.

The Multiply ME video training system makes it easy for businesses to create videos straight from a smartphone that will create more time, profit & confidence in their business. It easily manages specific video instructions such as Video Recruiting & On-boarding, Tool Box Talks, Safety Reminders, Company Culture, Policies & Procedures so individuals or groups or people can view the information once or at scheduled times to improve ongoing awareness and knowledge.